PRAIORITIZE covers the whole gamut from Analyze to Improve to Get It Done. And it delivers Group Virtual Consultants to managers and Personal Virtual Consultants to respondents. Yet, these Virtual Consultants mean only so much if their designated users don't use them. The VC Interaction section tracks the managers' and respondents' click behavior and shows these in the Group Overview screen and summarizes the resulting actions in the Alerts screen.
To get to the Alerts screen, click on the tile or click in the navigation bar:
Get It Done > VC interaction > Alerts
Especially in the case of larger organizations, it is undoable to track the click behavior of all these managers. Therefore, PRAIORITIZE summarizes the organization's click behavior in four groups. Active- versus inactive group managers plus active- versus inactive respondent groups. The organizational units defined in Department, Role, Location, and the free group are now allocated in these four groups. E.g., on the screen below, the Production department has a manager actively interacting with its Virtual Consultant, yet respondents working in Production are not yet that far. The risk is that the manager moves ahead but forgets to take the team along. Hence, the section on the screen below gives some suggestions to mitigate that risk. For example, "React to questionnaire comments."
To get more details on the groups' interaction with the Virtual Consultants, click on the tile or click in the navigation bar:
Get It Done > VC Interaction > Group Overview
The resulting table shows per group (in the example below, only the Departments) the total number of clicks with the Virtual Consultants, the resulting pattern, the number of clicks on the three most essential screens (the Actual Situation, the Praiority list, and the Workshops), whether the respondents in the group are actively clicking on their Personal Vertual Consultants, whether the manager has unsubscribed from the nudging (push notifications) and the total number of nudges received.