The artificial intelligence creating the questionnaires for the store has been inspired by over 11.000 whitepapers from more than 100 noted consultancy firms. First, algorithms selected the 20% best papers based on the uniqueness of their content, writing style, quantitative underpinning, and other factors. The 20% best papers are indicated within the green border in the visual below:
These 20% best papers were then grouped into categories. You'll find these categories in the store. Whitepapers could belong to more than one category. For example, a whitepaper about 'Innovation' in 'Banking.' We identified the two most prominent categories per whitepaper. The 20% best papers scored as such:
Next, the whitepapers within a category were grouped using artificial intelligence. The central theme in a group was used to drive PRAIORITIZE's A.I. to create a Questionnaire, a maturity model for setting an improvement target, and the improvement steps (how to move from one Answer to the next).
In the description tabs below a Questionnaire's main description, you will find which papers served as inspiration for the Questionnaire: