Our own scientific research into team ambition of approx. 4,000 teams has shown that a whopping 99% of these teams had no ambition, focus, or realism. That said, it is absolutely necessary to provide the right target to the organization, perhaps even further modified for the individual respondent groups. As PRAIORITIZE is frequently used for assessing strategic issues, we can safely assume that more often than, the organization’s management – let alone the managers of the individual departments, locations, etc. – has not had enough routine, experience, and context to select the right target that also factors in various organizational consequences. For example, scientific research into the alignment of teams with the target set by their management has shown that in approx 30% of the cases, the teams were aligned in their rejection of the management target.
So, even if management knows what it’s doing, one cannot expect it to realize the full impact of an improvement target immediately. (*) The impact in terms of support by the respondents: a manager can decide on a target, but if that target is diametrically opposite to what the team members have in mind, there probably won’t be a swift implementation of that target. (*) The impact in terms of the number of praiorities for the respondents. The target could make sense, but if the praiority list for the respondents is unreasonably long (even if the respondents support such a target), there still won’t be a swift implementation. (*) And the impact in terms of the available capacity to change in the organization. Respondents can support a reasonable target in the effort, but when the respondents did not plan hardly any improvement (for example, because they are already overloaded with work) and very few or no respondents have already achieved the target (and, thus, can act as knowledge donors), there still won't be a swift implementation.
PRAIORITIZE uses Transparency Lab's in-house developed and scientifically proven algorithms to compare improvement targets factoring in support, praiority list, and capacity to change.
The target setting screen
PRAIORITIZE adds a target library to each assessment and calculates in real-time for the organization as a whole, as well as for each of the respondent groups, which of the targets in the target library works best in terms of support (the more, the better), the number of praiorities (not too few and certainly not too many) and capacity-to-change (the more, the better). The default target given to each respondent is his/her next level of maturity, as derived from the target library. Also, PRAIORITIZE calculates the impact of each of the maturity levels when applied to all respondents (in the organization or in each of the respondent groups).
PRAIORITIZE then assigns a star rating (4) based on the impact on support (the "Praiority list", 2) on the amount of praiorities (1) and on capacity (3). Five stars are the maximum, and one star is the minimum. Your organization's assessment coordinator can tell you who can add, edit, and assign these targets. The view/editing functions have been separated from the assignment function. Managers can play with improvement targets and gauge their impact before really assigning the target to the individual respondents. Once managers assign a target, the respondents’ Personal Virtual Consultant gets populated with improvement steps and knowledge-sharing suggestions. There are occasions when the Assessment Coordinator in your organization will not allow the individual group managers to change a target. An example is when an organization has to comply with specific laws and regulations. In such a compliance assessment, the target is non-negotiable.
Add a new target
Managers can also override the targets suggested by PRAIORITIZE and add their targets. Such an added target is also shown in the list: its star rating indicates whether (or not) the target outperformed the targets already in the target library that comes with the questionnaire.
To add a target, click on the "+"-icon (5).
Add a title (1), a dscription (2), and select the answers you want to be part of this target (3) , and click "Save" (4). This new target will appear in the list of targets provided with their own star rating. These added targets can be edited and deleted. The targets that come with the questionnaire can not be edited or deleted.