Sending out JUST a survey to your audience is so …. last year. Plus, a questionnaire alone will give you just the answers from respondents. Still, it will not help you give these respondents some actionable advice in the form of a Virtual Consultant in return.
Several reports in the Group- and Personal Virtual Consultant allow showing step-by-step improvement suggestions; the improvement steps. First, select the question to which you like to add the improvement steps. Then, click on the "IMPROVEMENT STEPS"-button. You'll see a screen like this:
The question in our example has three answers. That means there are two groups of improvement steps. Improving from Answer 1 to Answer 2. And improving from Answer 2 to Answer 3. You can add up to nine steps per improvement group. And it's nice to add a URL that links to additional content like articles, courses, people's contact data, etc. It is not mandatory to add a URL for each step. Do not forget to click SAVE ALL to store your modifications.
Coming up with a few relevant improvement suggestions and searching YouTube for relevant videos is a lot of work. Luckily, also here, PRAIORITIZE comes to the rescue. Click on "HELP ME PRAIORITIZE," and the work is done for you. Feel free to add, edit, or delete items. After all, you know best how to support your Audience with improvement steps. You can click-&-drag improvement steps to another location (with the green "STEP..."-buttons or delete them by clicking the 'trash can' icon.
TIP: However fantastic artificial intelligence is - and certainly PRAIORITIZE ;-) - we strongly recommend you always check the resulting improvement steps and YouTube videos before you send your Assessment to your Audience.