After respondents have answered their assessments, they can start improving using the actionable advice of their Group- and Personal Virtual Consultants. However, more than often, just implementing these improvement steps might not be enough to get the job done. Enter the Follow-On Projects.
On the "My Questionnaires" menu bar, click on "A.I. ADD-ONS" and then on "FOLLOW-ON PROJECTS." You will see this screen:
The screen allows you to enter the name of the Follow-On Project, a description, and a (ballpark) cost estimate per respondent. Assume a generic questionnaire about organizational transformation. Now, every respondent who doesn't score well on questions about leadership (like, in the example below, respondent "John") is a potential candidate for leadership training. Who needs what is visible in the Grid Map (Global/Group Virtual Consultant > Analyze > Actual situation > Graph; the right-most columns):
In the Group Virtual Consultant, the "Follow-On Projects"-table looks like this, with the scores in the Grid Map now monetized: Global/Group Virtual Consultant > Get It Done > Follow-On Projects:
Coming up with five relevant Follow-On Projects, adding a lengthy description, then going through each question, and tediously verifying which questions indicate a certain FOP is a lot of work. Luckily, also here, PRAIORITIZE comes to the rescue. Click on "HELP ME PRAIORITIZE," and the work is done for you:
TIP: However fantastic artificial intelligence is - and certainly PRAIORITIZE ;-) - we strongly recommend you always check the resulting names, descriptions, and ballpark costs before you send your Assessment to your Audience.
Alternative use of the FOPs
Questions are grouped in Sub-Topics that, in turn, are grouped in Topics. Such a structure is usually worded in simple, unequivocal terms so as not to confuse or bias the respondent. Yet, it is sometimes handy to add a second questionnaire structure. Example: the client has organizational values like "Innovation" and "Quality." Then, these values add up all the individual questions' scores again, but now into a score for Innovation, Quality, etc. These additional scores are visible in the Grid Map (Global/Group Virtual Consultant > Analyze > Actual situation > Graph).